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A mini AGV with impressive statistics to meet the most demanding tasks – part of Solving’s product range

Industry today is seeking ways of improving efficiency, and increasing levels of automation are noticeable in most factories to enable such goals to be achieved. In the field of material handling for example, driverless automated guided vehicles (AGVs) are becoming a common solution to providing safer and more efficient internal logistics in a variety of industries. 

Solving’s AGVs are installed for continuous material handling or automatic assembly lines.  Almost every product in Solving’s vast portfolio is customised to suit exacting requirements. View a selection of videos of customised applications.

Solving mini AGV in the motor industry2
The capacity of this model is 650 kg.-

The smallest AGVs in our range with an impressive load capacity of 350kg or more have all the characteristics of larger AGVs. Although the small AGVs can travel at up to 1.1 – 1.7 metres/second, depending on the type of drive units and navigation methods are used, they meet all the necessary safety standards and regulations to ensure that collisions with personnel, factory surroundings and other vehicles are avoided.

Our Mini AGVs are built to the highest standards to provide a very robust and capable vehicle, equally at home in a tough industrial area or in a clean medical environment. Manoeuvrability is exceptional. As an option, the AGVs can be fitted with an additional function allowing them to enter a load and rotate 90° to move sideways to turn the tightest corners or for pallet collection in a narrow gangway.

Contact us for more information on our AGVs:

Solving Movers 2020 transparent web2
Solving Movers are customised and available with capacities ranging from a few hundred kilograms (AGVs) to a thousand tons or more (air film Movers).

Navigation methods

A number of navigation methods are available to choose from: contour, magnetic spot sensors, optical and inductive wire guidance. In certain cases these options can be combined to optimise route accuracy or to accommodate a challenging route.

Various interfaces are available depending on the customer’s requirements, such as built-in lifting posts, positioning cones or guides to provide repeatable accuracy, and the stability of high loads during movement can also be assured. Automatic AGV charging can be installed to provide 24/7 availability and usage. 

Various uses for Mini AGVs 

Some typical uses of Solving Mini AGV are the handling of frequency converters, tyres and surgical equipment, each application having its unique requirements and presenting us with new opportunities to prove the value of investing in Solving products.

If you would like to learn more about the use of Mini AGVs or indeed any other AGV product in our range, please contact
Leif Löfholm, tel. +358 50 553 8927,, or 
Pekka Joensuu, tel. +358 44 781 7524,
or the Solving office closest to you.

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